The Healthy Habit of Tai Chi

I first came across Tai Chi in Hong Kong. It was seven in the morning and I couldn't find a cup of coffee to reboot my early morning brain. So I decided to take a walk in the park and as I strolled I became mystified by the many local residents practising body movements to the enchanting lull of traditional Chinese music. I sat down and watched the slow movements of each person and then noticed a certain grace in poise and serentiy of being. There and then I resolved to learn more about Tai Chi and how to harness an energy potential that I did not know I had before. For myself the study of Tai Chi became a personal journey and flow towards a sense of mental independence. Tai Chi, also known as Tai Chi Chuan, orignally was a form of Chinese martial art but today it is more of a process of control over the body and direction that is often practiced for its health benefits. It is characterized by slow and fluid movements that are coordinated with deep breathing and mental focus. Tai...