The Art Of Balancing Stones
As a professional trader I learnt very quickly that I had to empty my mind and balance my spirit before I could sense the wind and it's direction. That's not as easy as one would think; in fact it took me many years of practise in order to cultivate a state of inner clam. But persistence pays it's dividends and in this sense I learnt how to tame my mind and ultimately to control my time. My search for inner calm and patience evolved from learning deep breathing excercises, fasting, finding solitude in nature and among other things, yes, learning to balance stones.
The art of balancing stones, also known as stone stacking or rock balancing, involves the careful arrangement of rocks or stones in a way that they can balance on top of each other without the use of any adhesive or support. It is a form of sculpture that requires a high level of patience, concentration, and skill.
Stone balancing can be done with various types of stones, ranging from small pebbles to large boulders. The process usually involves selecting stones of different shapes and sizes and then stacking them in a way that creates a visually pleasing and stable structure. The goal is to achieve a delicate balance between the stones, creating a composition that appears almost weightless.
Stone balancing can be considered a meditative and therapeutic practice, as it requires the practitioner to be fully present and focused on the task at hand. It is also a form of environmental art, as the structures are temporary and will eventually be reclaimed by nature. Some practitioners see it as a way to connect with the natural world and to express their creativity in a unique and organic way.
Of course you are going to stumble at first; we all make a hash of it and everything falls down. But that's the key thing about success; you get back up and you keep on trying. So in time I hope that you could find a little time to balance a few small stones in life. The experience can become deeply rewarding and enrich your spirit in full length of time.