Modern Zen

The other day I nearly got run over by a bus, spily my take-out coffee over my shirt and had an avid cyclists swear at me in very colorful language and all within the space of five minutes! Oy Vey! Why is everybody in such a mad hurry to get here and there as if their very lives depended upon it? Well, after twenty years of trading, I finally managed to conquer myself and brush off the usual urban din with such consumate ease! Its like fencing blind-folded but the personal odysses was not without it's twists and turns. Well in order to cope with the daily grind of trading I gravitated towards the coffee houses, evolving into long country walks, morphed into casual games of golf, took up gardening, readibg books, ascended into the realms of eclectic photography, grapsed the composed world of Tai Chi and inevitably reached the lofty plane of Zen for a very private and intuitive stage of contemplation. Becoming a modern Buddha of suburbia, for me at least, was the quiness...