
Manage Your Time

Managing your time is an important aspect of your endurability. Either you end up having too little or too much of it. When i was a professional trader I saw how the obsession with time began to eat up people's thinking process and running their lives. So as a seasoned trader I can vastly recommend that one stops looking at the clock and starts focusing on steps and goals as a better method of running the day. These are several pointers that should help you to refocus and manage your time and day. How you manage your time effectively is essential for achieving success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here are some tips that can help you manage your time better: 1/ Set goals: Start by identifying your goals and priorities. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve will help you to stay focused and avoid wasting time on tasks that are not important. 2/ Plan your day: Plan your day ahead of time, preferably the night before. This will help you to stay organi...

Tips on Achieving Longevity

  The maximum lifespan of humans is thought to be around 120 years, although the average lifespan varies depending on a number of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environment. While it is difficult to extend the maximum lifespan beyond this limit, there are many things that individuals can do to increase their chances of living a long and healthy life. Here are some things that can potentially increase lifespan: Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and managing stress can all contribute to a longer lifespan. Prevent and manage chronic diseases: Taking care of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can help prevent complications and increase lifespan. Stay socially connected: Maintaining social connections and a sense of community can contribute to better mental health, which in turn can increase lifespan. Regular medical checkups: Early detecti...

What is Biological Longevity?

    Biological longevity refers to the length of time an organism can live, based on its genetic makeup and biological processes. It is often used to describe the potential lifespan of a species or individual organism, and is influenced by a variety of factors including genetics, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices. Biological longevity can vary widely between different species, with some organisms having relatively short lifespans of just a few days, while others can live for centuries. Additionally, while some aspects of biological longevity may be predetermined by genetics, other factors such as diet, exercise, and stress levels can also play a role in determining an organism's lifespan. How will you define your biolgical longevity? While some seek answers far and wide others will find answers within. We are all different and unique and that is why biolgical longevity becomes important so that we may live the best possible lives to enrich ourselves and everyone ...